This is not a post about a new fad diet or super drug to help you lose weight this year. This is about urging leaders to think about creating healthy organizations. Yes, as a leader, you can lead your team, department, division, or whole company thrive in a healthy, sustainable way in 2024. It’s going...Read More
It’s the end of another year of constant change. We’ve got 2022 facing us quickly. Ever feel like the wheels keep churning and you’re in the middle of the wheel still trying to catch up?I had to do a little research for a presentation last month, and a shocking statistic jumped out at me: There’s...Read More
Nobody wants to hear about being slow these days. Everything and everybody are going fast,fast, fast. Deadlines, deliverables, agility, and efficiency are common vernacular in businessplaces today. And I get it, it pays to make things happen.The time that we are in (the VUCA world) requires something from leaders that may not be sofast –...Read More
Welcome to the new workplace, leaders. Some call it the ‘new normal’. We all know – it’s already here. If you’re planning for everything to go back to pre-Covid status, you’re perhaps in management denial? “Hybrid” is among the most common new word in organizational and culture development. The complexity and decisions that must be...Read More